About Me

Heber City, UT, United States
A 20 something who is trying to turn my what-if's to what can I do next!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Yay for only two days of school!

This week was awesome, mainly for the fact that we only had two days of classes. (and out second class on Monday got canceled, can't complain about that!) This week when we were discussing the articles I kept thinking how important it is to be consistent as a teacher. It takes children a long time to adapt to a routine/schedule of how to do things. So, when you just throw in something huge, or you change how they turn in their homework it can get them all out of sorts.
In our Tuesday classes I loved hearing about every one's field experience. Learning what they did for their science experiments and what didn't. I know that mine was a little foggy when we had to discuss fire safety the students kind of forgot what we were originally doing.
Until next week, here is to two more weeks of school!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mole grows on cheese right?

What a fun and eventful week. I don't think there is a day that passes that I do not laugh at least ten times. My title "Mole grows on cheese right?" Was inspired by a cute little girl in my classroom that I was reading with one morning. We came to the word mole, and I asked her if she knew what a mole was. Her repsonse, "ya, I found it one time on our cheese and I threw it away." They are so innocent and funny, I love it. I explained to her that is actually mold and we are talking about a mole. She was so funny, and I got a good laugh. Tomorrow is my last day and I am sad to go, I have really enjoyed it and I am more excited now then ever to become a teacher.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mean Girls

Two weeks over already? I can not believe it! I hope everyone is learning and laughing as much as I am. This week was busy Sylvia and I had to finish all of our assignments because yesterday was her last day. She only needs half the hours. So she has been leaving a little earlier each day and now she is done completely. Our field supervisor came and observed us for the last time this week and I am just relieved she is so kind. She is a breath of fresh air compared to last semesters supervisor. I feel like she gives us constructive feedback and has our best interest in mind.
Well, you may have noticed the title of this post is Mean Girls. And I hate to admit it, but I have seen the movie Mean Girls multiple time and I think that it represents to a certain extent the female species quite well. Growing up with lots of little friends I have always known that girls are vicious and mean. However, I forgot that girls start to YOUNG! That's right folks, "mean girls" are alive and well in Orem, Utah!
To explain a little better I will give you a couple of examples. First we have so many girls that cry all the time over anything and everything. Two girls in particular and it is almost funny to watch because they sit on opposite ends of the room and they literally glare at each other, and the are in 1st grade! The second example was a little girl during rug time was asked to come up and help the teacher. Upon her returning to her spot on the back row someone had slid into her spot and it was no longer vacant, however there was seat right next to it.. Literally inches away. This little girl persisted to tell the other little girl to move and she didn't. So then the teacher got involved and a couple comments like, "you are not the boss of me!" were thrown around. Mind you through out this whole little scuffle I was sitting like a foot behind them watching and listening intently. And trying not to laugh. So the little girl got her seat back and then she leaned over to the other little girl and went off about how rude she was. While the other little girl was leaning over the other way doing the same exact thing. It was like the parting of the Red Sea. So just in case your wondering if mean girls exists they are alive and well! :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Field Week One

I started my field experience on Monday at Suncrest Elementary School in Orem. I have an excellent cooperating teacher that I am really excited about. I also have an awesome partner too, so things are definitely looking up! I am working in a first grade class and I have 22 students when they all come. I say when they all come because we have three students that you never know about. Each for their own reason. The first one has heart problems and whenever the weather is bad/cold you can count on her being absent. Because of this she missed more than half of Kindergarten and is REALLY struggling in 1st grade. She doesn't even know all of her letters and numbers yet. It is a sad case. The second, has a bunch of behavioral problems and his parents were recently divorced. We are guessing that is why he has problems in the class because he is lacking attention at home. And the third, he has missed over 35 days of school THIS year. Like since August. He is REALLY behind as well, and definantly struggles with things that most of our class can breeze through. There is not a definent reason why he misses so much, no extended illness. More or less a lazy parent that likes him to stay home. He will probably end up repeating the 1st grade.
It has only taken me five days in the classroom to get an ear infection, a sore throat, and a cold. You have got to love the MILLIONS of germs that are crawling all over them and their little classroom. Over all I am thinking field is going great. Our personal readers are going well, however I don't feel as though they are an effecting teaching tool for us just to use for three weeks. But, I can definitely see the benefits of having them in my classroom when I have me own.
Till Next Week!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Learning Journal #8

This week was my groups week to facilitate. We read articles about violence in schools. The different kinds of violence there are, and how we can prevent it/deal with it. It kind of bothers me when we talk hypothetically about our future students/classrooms. I hate talking about what we are going to do because I feel as though I will not do half of the things I say I am going to do, I just say it to get the points. Our conversation went really well and went quite smoothly. We got a good message out if nothing out, to be aware of violence in schools. The rest of the week was filled with preparation for field, I am so excited to start working with my little first graders.